Board Positions:

Board Secretary: This role would be in charge of recording minutes and the meeting roll. The secretary also provides safekeeping of all official contracts and records, ensures accurate contact information for the leadership team, tracks board member terms, and publishes notices of scheduled meetings.

Board Treasurer: This role would oversee financial reporting, compliance, and financial strategy. Good organizational skills, clear communication, and a creative eye for different financial angles are helpful.

Fundraising Director: This role involves planning, organizing, and overseeing campaigns and activities to secure funds.

Web Designer/Manager: This role would maintain our website, design new pages, update the website as needed, and work on SEO.

Social Media/Marketing Director: This role would work with the executive director to create social media posts, maintain social media accounts, and be in charge of posting and engaging with followers while staying within our branding.

Accountant: This role would oversee our books and finances, manage money coming in and out, and manage our budget.

Food Needs

Canned chicken, canned tuna, and individually wrapped snacks, such as protein bars, granola bars, pudding snacks, goldfish, popcorn, and pretzels. Oatmeal packets, cereal, microwaveable rice packets, and Jelly.

We receive our food donations on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at 310 Wilcox in downtown Castle Rock. This is the Front Range Church Ministry Center, which collects our food donations for us.