Monetary Donations vs Food Donations: Which goes further?

This time of year, we often see ways to help non-profits in our community. Here at Front Range Food Pantry, we are getting ready for one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. Giving Tuesday on November 28th, 2023, “The Giving Tuesday movement revolves around the power of radical generosity.”

We are a 100% volunteer-run non-profit, and volunteers are an essential part of our organization, and we genuinely appreciate ours. We often have businesses in our community that have food drives for us, and we are always grateful.

Today, I wanted to explain why making a monetary donation matters to non-profits like us. Unlike food donations, when we are given monetary ones, we have more flexibility and leverage. We can partner with larger organizations to get our food for cheaper. So we can spread out dollars further.

90% of Front Range Food Pantry revenue goes to filling our meal boxes. 10% goes to administrative/marketing costs. Food costs in Colorado have soared in 2023, putting more Colorations at risk for food insecurity.

According to a Feeding America gap study, In Colorado, 533,650 people are facing hunger - and of them, 129,900 are children. That’s huge; even with our state-wide free meal program in school, families struggle to put food on the table.

We truly have a hunger crisis on our hands. When you give money, we can grow and help more needy families in Douglas County.

This Giving Tuesday, we have a goal to raise $30,000.

Items this money is used for:

  1. The Purchase of food for our meal boxes

  2. Cardboard Boxes

  3. Website

  4. Marketing

  5. Administrative Costs

  6. Rent to store our food, the list goes on.

We would love you to partner with us and help us serve our community. If you’d like to donate, please click on the button below. One other thing to note is when you make a monthly donation; it helps us reach our goal of being able to serve more schools. Every bit helps. We have such a great community. Happy Holidays to you and yours. We are so grateful to all of our volunteers and partners.